2015 剧情片 剧情

  Afghanistan 2014. While troops are on the verge of withdrawal, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his section are assigned a control and surveillance mission in a remote valley of the Wakhan, on the Pakistan border. Despite their determination, Antarès and his men gradually lose control of what is supposedly a calm sector. Then one September night, soldiers in the valley mysteriously disappear.

2015 剧情片 剧情

 本片是《阿加莎·克里斯蒂小型谋杀剧场 第二季》中的一部。改编自阿婆的《谋杀启事》。讲述的是:在平静的生活中找寻一点刺激不是容易的事,因此每到星期五,大家都看无聊的报纸,直到把犄角旮旯里所有“出售”、“征婚”等启事都翻看议论一番,才算是又度过了有点小乐趣的一周。但是,这个特别的周末,这点小乐趣被一个非常刺激的话题代替——报纸上刊登了一则谋杀启事,预告将有一场神秘的杀人游戏。那么是谁发布这惊人的消息?又为什么要发布呢?为了有趣?为了刺激?还是真的存在暗藏的危险……
