1975 爱情理论片 伦理
影片是基于世界闻名的SM情色小说该编的。小说作者PaulineReage在小说鈡叙述了一位年轻漂亮的钕人,代号 rdquo被她的侽友Rene送到巴黎郊外的一座城堡里。在那儿她接受了SM钕郎的训练,捆绑,鞭打和xing虐待。rdquo深深地嗳着Rene,为了证明她的嗳,她甘愿忍受对她的各种各样的羞辱和虐待。最后,由于Rene欠了一大笔债务,只能把rdquo的所有权转让给祂同父异母的哥哥Stehen   大师兄苦练二十年的铁砂掌和铁头功,今天终于练成了。本以为自己已经可以打遍天下高手。没想到一出山就遇到了万磁
1976 剧情片 剧情
  故事发生在意大利的一个小镇之中,指挥官洛伦索(Peter Lühr 饰)的女儿马奎斯(埃迪特·克莱韦 Edith Clever 饰)带着女儿守寡多年,在危难之际得到了伯爵列特里特(布鲁诺·甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)的出手相救,才得以幸免于难,马奎斯对伯爵生出了一丝好感,然而,第二天,伯爵便跟随着军队离开了小镇。
2010 剧情片 短片

  The lines start with “O Somma Luce” which is the title of the film and also the 67th line of the 33rd canto in “Paradiso” of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” to the end of “Paradiso”.  The film is completed with music and lines instead of emotions and narrations.  This is a recent attempt to combine film with literature.
  The film begins with a black screen and the music of Edgard Varese. The BGM is “Deserts” that was recorded in 1954. After some moments of darkness, the music ends and a middle-aged man sits on a hill, reciting something. He is Giorgio Passerone, an Italian literature professor, and he is reading out of the last part of ‘Paradiso’ of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Jean-Marie Straub expressed how he thinks of Dante through a subtle accent and dialect. The director who had encoded many great artists and musicians including Bach, complete the combination of Dante and Varese, which could seem strange. (Lim Kyung Yong)
