2017 战争片 剧情


2017 剧情片 剧情


2017 剧情片 剧情
  《Sand Castle》讲述的是一个由真人真事改编的故事,基于一场伊拉克战争。19岁的士兵 Matt Ocre(Nicholas Hoult饰)和他的排长贝克中士受命前往保护一个遥远的并陷入危险的村庄---巴古拜,去修补重要的管道。因这个任务他们成了敌军的目标,狙击手的袭击,自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们还要不断警惕。随着日子一天天过去,他的战友都牺牲了,Matt的意志力正在被慢慢消磨着,让他面对自己最黑暗的部分。
2017 剧情片 惊悚
Hayley Udall tries to make ends meet for herself and her 14 year-old daughter while providing alimony for a horrible ex-husband. She wishes her problems with her ex could go away, and upon venting her frustrations one night, finds herself tangled up in a pact with two people (Melanie and Kevin) to "eliminate" each other's problems. It seemed innocent wishful thinking before, but as people end up dead-including Hayley's ex-husband-Hayley is trapped to fulfill the pact or risk taking the fall for murder. She tries to clear her name but the police (led by Detective Marks) is eyeing her for her ex-husband's death as well as others. Then Melanie abducts Hayley's daughter as leverage for Hayley to follow through and kill one last person. With Detective Marks trying to find the truth, Hayley must hurry to save her daughter and find a way to avoid murder.
2017 剧情片 剧情
A dying mother, Sarah, tells her last wish to her eldest son, Drew, that he take his younger brother, Will, to the place they were born. Despite tragic family history, hope gives promise to the future.
2017 剧情片 短片
Behind the scenes on fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh's shoot for the February 2016 W Magazine's annual "Best Performances" portfolio, featuring appearances from some of the leading actors and actresses presented in the portfolio.
2017 剧情片 剧情


2017 剧情片 剧情


2017 科幻片 剧情

  海伦(琳德西·冯塞卡 Lyndsy Fonseca 饰)是一名科学家。一天,她接到了一通来自自己的神秘电话,随即便深陷于危险之中。迫不得已之下,她不得不闯入一个高度机密的设施并穿越时空回到过去,阻止一场谋杀。

2017 剧情片 剧情

  A skateboarder investigating the mysterious death of his roommate is led into the inner workings of a self-help company, and the pharmaceutical lab behind it.

2017 剧情片 剧情

  故事发生在1963年,时值冷战期间,哑女艾丽莎(莎莉·霍金斯 Sally Hawkins 饰)在政府实验室里工作,是那里的一名清洁女工。年幼时,一场大病夺走了艾丽莎的声音,之后一直至今,她都在沉默之中过着形单影只的生活,全部的朋友就只有画家老头(理查德·詹金斯 Richard Jenkins 饰)和同事塞尔达(奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟 Octavia Spencer 饰)。
  一天,实验室里拉响了高度戒备的警报,一个神秘的装满了水的罐子被送了进来,艾丽莎震惊的发现,罐子里关着一个半人半鱼的怪异生物。在理查德(迈克尔·珊农 Michael Shannon 饰)的带领下,科学家团队想要在这怪物身上提炼出能够制造生物武器的物质,可是在艾丽莎眼中,它不过是一个和自己一样的孤独的生命体。随着时间的推移,艾尔莎和怪物之间竟然产生了感情。

2017 剧情片 剧情

  On probation and living in his father's house after a year of incarceration, 24-year-old Keith navigates his deeply stratified Baltimore neighborhood in search of work and something to give his life new meaning. Though the outside world provides its own share of threats, Keith's greatest enemies are the demons he harbors within.

2017 剧情片 剧情

  一个漫无目标的青少年 Frankie 在夏天时面临父亲去世,试图摆脱无聊的生活及负面的自我质疑,因此结交了新的女友,并在网路上认识了一个老男人。
