Metal music, wet paint, and family are the passions of Jesse, a struggling painter who lives a happy life with his wife, Astrid, and their preteen daughter, Zooey. And things look even brighter when Jesse and Astrid are able to put in a bid on their dream home - a huge property in rural Texas with a barn big enough for a proper art studio - after the price is driven down due to the home's mysterious past. After the trio moves in, Jesse's work starts taking on a new, considerably darker flavour - and things get even more ominous when Ray, the hulking, clearly unbalanced son of the deceased former owners, appears on the doorstep one night, clutching a red electric guitar and asking to "return home." It soon becomes clear that Ray and Jesse are both being influenced by the same satanic forces, and that Jesse's family won't be safe until they find a way to quiet the Devil himself.
在一个与世隔绝的密林所在,坐落着全然封闭的小镇新伯利恒。18年前,在第六个月的第六天,有六个女孩降临人间,恰恰应了新伯利恒流传多年的预言,据说当这个“666”的数字出现时,魔鬼便将从黑暗中爬出,用它污秽邪恶的手侵蚀着这片光明的土地,荼毒纯洁无瑕的女孩。转眼到了当下,当时出生的女孩除了小罗丝被妈妈扼杀外,萨拉(丽亚·派普斯 Leah Pipes 饰)、阿比盖尔(Katie Garfield 饰)、玛丽(阿莉希亚·德布纳姆 Alycia Debnam Carey 饰)、汉娜(Nicole Elliott 饰)等人均在长老的看护下长大。
某座平凡小镇,彪悍恐武的警探约翰·伊利亚特(维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)和美丽善良的女儿海瑟(Emily Tennant 饰)生活在一起。某天一名酷酷的男孩来到海瑟的学校,他叫罗比·穆勒(杰克·克罗克 Jake Croker 饰),五年前曾和海瑟有过一面之缘,并且卷入了一场神秘恐怖的死亡时间。罗比似乎对海瑟颇有好感,但却因此惹恼追求这个女孩的格雷戈(Aren Buchholz 饰)。在一次争执中,五年前的恐怖一幕再度上演,格雷戈在没有任何人碰触他的情况下突然倒地,遭受重创。
An anthropology professor's obsession with a paranormal mystery threatens her job, marriage, and sanity as she fights to find a missing student.
A struggling actor spends a weekend with a female demonologist to prepare for an audition.
In The Nightmare, director Rodney Ascher (Room 237) has done just that. The film explores the condition commonly referred to as “sleep paralysis.” That’s a condition where someone is in bed, but totally physically immobilized. Some who suffer from the condition – including the eight subjects in this documentary – feel they are visited by something evil during these periods. Ascher lets these subjects tell their stories, then we watch them play out on screen. It’s absolutely horrifying, if not wholly rewarding.
In an attempt to piece together fractured memories of a drug-fueled night in the woods, three friends confront guilt, jealousy, and a supernatural presence that threatens to expose their true natures.
When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires. Is he losing his mind or has something terrible burrowed deep within him? Incubating. Waiting until the climate is right. Marcus must fight to save his crumbling sanity and protect Lily, his beloved niece from a monster that lies in wait.
Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out on him when he was a child so now he keeps kidnapped women chained up in his barn and trains them to perform circus tricks.
僵尸,恶魔,和一个疯狂的医生等待着一车人寻找阿兹特克遗址。奥沙利文神父是一名天主教神父,他已经失去了对上帝的信仰,也无法忘记曾经和他有过一段婚外情(还有一个儿子)的修女。奥沙利文为考古学生卡尔,新时代的威尔伯和克拉利斯·莱明,离家出走的劳里,游客杜佐斯和弗罗斯特在墨西哥巴士旅行期间担任导游。更令奥沙利文惊讶的是,当他的爱人泰茜和她的儿子埃文一起上车时。在墨西哥,卡尔透露了他对一个重要的古代文本的了解,正好赶上了死亡庆典的日子。与此同时,邪恶的Um-tzec博士正在为自己策划一场神化,最终化身为死亡之神,而他需要完成的是献祭孩子们的心……很多很多的心。当欧沙利文神父为再次见到泰茜而挣扎的时候,Um-tzec医生走近他进行驱魔;但. .
《恶魔之夜》是曾在英国被禁眏的一系列臭名昭著的影片之一,它最终在1994年因删减了1分41秒的内容而被解禁。它因为含有描写阉割、肢解、刺伤和掏内脏的内容而闻名。它讲述了纽根特教授为了试图找到传说中的“大脚怪”,和他的学生们进行了探险,结果却是把自己和学生拉入危险的禁地, 最后只有纽根特教授一人存活(但是纽根特教授的半张脸被一个热炉子产生的火严重烧伤),纽根特教授现在必须将他的经历以及“大脚怪”的秘密告诉众人,但谁又会相信他呢?
又是一年万圣节到来,青年男女涌上街头,纵情娱乐,狂魔乱舞。妖冶女孩安吉拉(香奈儿·伊丽莎白 Shannon Elizabeth 饰)通过邮件通知大家参加万圣节派对,举办地就设在布鲁萨尔德庄园,麦迪·柯迪斯(莫妮卡·金娜 Monica Keena 饰)、莉莉(迪奥拉·贝尔德 Diora Baird 饰)、苏珊娜(波比·苏·卢瑟 Bobbi Sue Luther 饰)等女孩应邀前往。该庄园曾经发生过恐怖的事件,前主人刘易斯(Michael Arata 饰)的太太伊凡杰琳(Tatyana Kanavka 饰)吊颈自杀,血溅满地,这个传说恰好在万圣节吸引了无数寻求刺激的时尚男女。然而就在派对最高潮时,恐怖事件接连发生,似乎青年们的欢声笑语搅扰了这座房子里沉睡的恶灵……
曾经驰骋战场的退伍老兵安布罗斯·麦金利(Nick Damici 饰)终究也抵挡不了衰老和死亡的侵袭,妻子早年去世,儿子威尔(伊桑·恩布里 Ethan Embry 饰)兀自忙着事业,父子关系虽不冷淡却也绝非亲近,双目失明的安布罗斯搭乘着儿子的汽车搬入名为克莱森特湾的老年社区,陪伴他的只有一条忠诚的狗狗。搬入当晚,住在隔壁的老妇人被一只饿狼模样的怪兽袭击身亡,而安布罗斯则经历了极其恐怖且终生难忘的夜晚。从医生口中得知,该社区每个月都会发生一次类似案件,但警方无一例外都将其归咎为普通的野兽所为。