A young woman falls in love with a famous novelist and travels with him to his home in Southern Italy. There, her obsession with the memory of his dead wife begins to consume her.
平凡的一天,供职于洛杉矶某银行的经理玛丽·沃什(布莉特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy 饰)请假陪同男友凯文·皮特森(迪恩·凯恩 Dean Cain 饰)去做一项常规的韧带手术。一切看似正常,但是自从玛丽离开手术室后便再未见过凯文。由于等候过于漫长,她请求服务台查询手术情况,结果发现并没有凯文的治疗记录,原定的主刀医生休假,连当初接待的护士也查无此人。警方随后介入调查,结果依旧一无所获。警方和医院负责人大为光火,他们开始怀疑玛丽所说的一切,甚至认为她精神出现问题。真相究竟如何?凯文到底又在何方?
本片女主角Brittany Murphy于2009年12月20日去世,享年32岁。
In the summer of ’76, as President Jimmy Carter pledges to give government back to the people, tensions run high in a working-class Philadelphia neighborhood where the Black Panthers once flourished. When Marcus returns—having bolted years earlier—his homecoming isn’t exactly met with fanfare. His former movement brothers blame him for an unspeakable betrayal. Only his best friend’s widow, Patricia, appreciates Marcus’s predicament, which both unites and paralyzes them. As Patricia’s daughter compels the two comrades to confront their past, history repeats itself in dangerous ways.
Night Catches Us masterfully reckons with the complexity of its characters’ revolutionary ideologies and internal desires. Bell-bottoms, Afros, potlucks, and Caddies set the scene as the film potently interweaves political media with an evocative soul-inspired score, summoning a vivid sense of place and time. The golden light that bathes characters’ faces seems to express the promise—and elusiveness—of the necessary change Marcus and Patricia struggle for so dearly—each by separate means.
潘妮·切纳里(黛安·莲恩 Diane Lane 饰)原本是一个普通的家庭主妇。对赛马几乎一窍不通的她,却在哥哥和丈夫的反对声中,从患病的父亲手中接管了位于弗吉尼亚州的养马场。尽管其时马场已亏损多时,但她依然不得不在居家的科罗拉多州和马场所在的弗吉尼亚州之间疲于奔命。为了觅得良马,潘妮特地找来告老还乡的驯马师路西安(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰),这个总是诸多抱怨的老头却对门外汉潘妮另眼相待。潘妮一眼相中马场里一匹一出生打个滚居然就能站立的栗色小马驹,起名为“秘书”。在路西安的个性训练下,“秘书”初出茅庐就一鸣惊人。它快如闪电、奔跃如飞,像个战士一般,甚至会为了赛场地面的震动而兴奋不已。终于到了决一胜败的时刻,“秘书”会顶着所有压力,不辜负潘妮的期望,成为25年来第一匹赢得美国三冠大赛的赛马么?
和许多犹太青年一样,萨姆(杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)的一生几乎都被安排好了,这让毫无悬念的生活令萨姆十分厌倦,家里的每一个人和每一件事都让他感到窒息。邻居齐默曼(贾斯汀·巴萨 Justin Bartha 饰)看出了萨姆的动摇,他主动找到了萨姆,告诉他了一些关于贩毒的消息。
齐默曼把萨姆介绍给了毒贩所罗门(丹尼·A·阿贝克恺撒 Danny A. Abeckaser 饰),就这样,萨姆开始了他离经叛道的新生活。很快,萨姆就展现出了聪明伶俐的一面,在业界获得了好评与肯定,与此同时,他和家人之间的嫌隙也越来越大。最终,萨姆被父亲赶出了家门,然而,他并没有因此而产生退却的念头,萨姆的野心最终会将他引导到破灭的境地。