Guy is an experienced British fighter pilot who is in command of Britain's first manned mission to space. He has trained for this for three years at the height of the Cold War and now he is alone in space with a malfunctioning capsule. He has limited contact with the UK, some unusual communication with the US and some unorthodox communication with Tyuratam deep in Soviet Russia. Who will help him? Will he make the right choice?
《杀死汝友》改编自苏格兰作家John Niven的同名小说,讲述了一位A&R人员(A&R man)Steven Stelfox,为了寻找下一个大热曲,在这个谁主沉浮的音乐圈弥足深陷,走向万劫不复的故事。在音乐业界中,A&R(artist and repertoire)是唱片公司下的一个部门,负责发掘、训练歌手或艺人。A&R部门是担任唱片公司和歌手之间的连结,帮助唱片公司的歌手在商业市场上获得成功,同时也要开发、训练歌手的能力。此外,A&R也经常需要负责与歌手签订合约、为歌手寻找适合的作曲者和唱片制作人,以及安排录音时程计划。
January is forced to return home after six years traveling abroad. A near-fatal accident has left her temporarily wheelchair bound and depleted of her long-term memory. She is accompanied by her boyfriend 'Callum' whom she met whilst traveling. He was also the driver in the fateful accident. Not only has she forgotten her family, but her childhood as well and is surprised to discover that her home is a stately manor in the middle of the country-side. As January tries to settle in, she finds herself becoming even more estranged from her family, who just want their daughter back. The trouble is, she cannot remember who that daughter was, or why she ran away in the first place. Desperate to discover why she left all those years ago and with Callum's help, she sets out to find the truth. They soon discover the family are not as loving as they seem to be. Was there a dark reason why she left them in the first place?