五月,对于准备高考的学生来说所剩时间不多了,期中考试刚刚结束,新一轮的排名出来。姐妹淘姜伊娜(南圭利 饰)和明孝(孙云恩 饰)分列第五和第四名,成绩优秀。同班男生姜贤喜欢伊娜,知道她喜欢听歌,送给她一个mp3,更约她们周五晚去参加party。周六开始就要开始尖子生特训,这是最后的欢乐。那是愉快的一个晚上。
班主任黄昌旭(李范秀 饰)让学生们不要慌,大家一边答题一边试图寻找失踪的学生,然而不是由于解答超时就是没有解答出来,学生接二连三地死去。伊娜推断出死亡顺序是按照期中考试排名得出的,下一个要死的人就是明孝。伊娜安慰早已慌乱的明孝,一边努力寻找答案,姜贤一路守护着伊娜。
死去的人越来越多,题目依旧叫人匪夷所思,伊娜通过一个谜语推断出这起凶杀案跟2年前死去的好友智媛(尹晶喜 饰)有关。
供职于国情局的青年警员金秀贤(李秉宪 饰)即将和心爱的女孩珠燕走入婚姻的殿堂,但是在一个飘雪之夜,独自驱车夜归的珠燕被人残忍杀害并分尸。秀贤痛不欲生,他找到四个主要嫌疑人的照片,开始独立追查凶手。经过一番调查,终于将目标锁定在为某学院包车的中年大叔张京哲(崔岷植 饰)的身上。张生活坎坷,性格极度扭曲,他经常袭击夜归的女子,并将她们无情杀害。秀贤找到张的据点,对其进行残酷的惩罚,却最终手下留情。侥幸活命的张反而由此激发所有的兽性,一场野兽对野兽的修罗之战渐次激烈……
Michael Hanake meets the Blair Witch Project in Kim Gok's Exhausted, a vicious kick in the pants to everyone in the audience, all in the name of "style." A man meets a mute woman, and as any reasonable person would do in such a situation, makes her his prostitute. But the pimping is the least of our problems. As we get exhausted by the grainy faux-16mm camerawork, the film gets increasingly deranged. The closest thing we get to a sympathetic character is the pimp, simply because he's got too much self-respect to fuck a mute whore. Everyone else is either a gory mess, or a gory mess in disguise. Even the prostitute, which even a thug like Lars von Trier would make likeable, comes off as a delirious scary woman whose shrieks strike like blows to the jugular.
Kim Gok has seemingly abandoned the Marxist critiques of his short films, going instead for mindless brutality which culminates in an endless bloody freak-show involving, among other things, a pair of scissors going where pairs of scissors should not go. In the middle of the bloodbath, we get an extended long take of the beaten prostitute's near-dead face, but it does not elicit sympathy or pity. In fact, images of the victim only make us shy away in shock. (Indeed, the extended sequence led to continuous walk-outs during the Pusan screening.) The long take invites us to stare, but it assumes we're as sadistic as the victimizer (and the film) is. Meanwhile the sound-effects (mostly a rumbling bassline that shakes the theater) pulsates with pure wickedness. With Hanake, shock creates reflection, which asks that we be critical. Here, we only want to escape. I suppose Exhausted has some virtues; the shots of drilling machines and factories provide a mesmerizing phallic backdrop to the pimp and prostitute's pursuits. But everything else hurts too much. At least Kim Ki-duk lets us breathe. Exhausted makes Bad Guy look like Lady and the Tramp. (asiaarts.ucla.edu)
婚期将近的高中教师书邻(李宥英 饰),收到来自大家的祝贺礼物,在她喝下办公桌上的咖啡后,随即陷入了昏睡,直到隔日清晨才被学生唤醒,从此她宁静的生活一去不复返。不久,书邻的手机收到一封来自「Master」 的恐怖骚扰讯息,内容竟是自 己不省人事时的照片,更令她不寒而慄 的是,这一切彷彿是14年前相同的噩梦重演。
书邻找来前刑警国哲(金希沅 饰)一起追查案件真相,希望能找出幕后黑手「Master」。此时,书邻班上的学生们也开始收到「Master」的骚扰讯息,事件主角变成是班上的一名女学生。侦办过类似案件的国哲也直觉不对劲,当情况越来越诡谲,究竟两起案件的关联与牵扯为何?而隐身在黑暗中操控一切的「Master」到底是谁呢?