备考生永浩(姜河那 饰)已经经历了连续两次失败了,如今,他正在巨大的压力之下,准备着第三次的考试。这样按部就班枯燥乏味的生活让永浩感到非常的窒息,绝望之中,他想到了许久没有联系的朋友素妍。想要知道朋友近况的永浩写了一封信给素妍,没想到很快就收到了回复。
实际上,素妍的境遇比永浩糟糕得多,她不仅没有能够考入理想的大学,而且如今身患重病,只能留在家中疗养。其实,给永浩回信的并非素妍,而是素妍的妹妹素熙(千玗嬉 饰),她冒用了姐姐的身份。一来二去之间,素熙和永浩通过信件结下了深厚的友谊,他们都将彼此视作生命中唯一的希望。
Jina is the top employee at a credit card company call center. She avoids building close relationships, choosing instead to live and work alone. One day, her irritating next-door neighbor who would attempt to talk with her is discovered dead, several days after having died alone in his apartment. Jina is shaken and turns on the home camera installed at her mother’s house a long time ago.
Gwangho, a prospect on his high school baseball team, is not drafted by a professional baseball team. His desire to continue playing baseball strains his relationship with his team members. Gwangho eventually begins selling fake gasoline with his friend Mincheol.
在一个可以提前知道分手的世界里,爱情可以改变什么样的形式?Jaeyoung 和 Soohyun 是通过 Destiny 的理想搭档相识的,Destiny 是一款被超过一半人口使用的约会应用程序。与刚开始的完美关系不同,随着我们进入第三年,争吵开始变得更加频繁。命运的推送警报为厌倦了频繁争吵的两人敲响了推送警报……<检查韩在英和金秀贤的保质期!>
确认警报后,在英和秀- hyeon在OK键前犹豫了,你会检查关系的有效期吗?你会做出怎样的选择?
Jae-young 和 Soo-hyun 在一个名为 [Destiny] 的约会应用上配对。到他们关系的第三年,频繁的冲突开始动摇他们。当“你要查一下韩载英和金秀贤的关系到期日吗?”时,出现了[命运]关于这对精疲力竭的夫妻关系到期日的推送通知,载英和秀贤都犹豫了他们最终会检查到期日期吗?
Set in the 1930s, the story recounts the growing pains of Jan, whose mother dies while giving birth to him and who’s intensely hated by his sadistic and debauched father. Jan grows up with his stepmother, and he struggles to reconcile his guilt and longing with different women in his life.
A young homeless man happens to draw a series of illustrations over dusty surfaces, gradually recovering from the pains of his past.