故事的主角是大名鼎鼎的美国总统奥巴马(帕克·索耶 Parker Sawyers 饰),时间回溯到他28岁那一年,那是的奥巴马还是一个意气风发前途无量的年轻人。1989年的夏天,奥巴马来到了芝加哥盛德国际律师事务所实习,在这里,他邂逅了米歇尔(提卡·森普特 Tika Sumpter 饰),她不仅是他的师姐,同时也是他的顶头上司。
美丽女孩杰茜(艾丽·范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)是一个只身独闯洛杉矶的年轻女模特,她初次涉足花花世界,看起来懵懂无知,人畜无害。亲和的化妆师茹比(吉娜·马隆 Jena Malone 饰)最先接近她,并将其介绍给两个小有名气的模特琪琪(贝拉·希思科特 Bella Heathcote 饰)与莎拉(阿比·丽 Abbey Lee 饰)。杰茜如同一块蕴藏着莫大价值的璞玉,她很快得到了业内有识之士的赏识,前路充满光芒。她的美是上天的恩赐,她的美却也成为他人嫉妒乃至急于毁灭的脆弱之花。
Norman Oppenheimer is a small time operator who befriends a young politician at a low point in his life. Three years later, when the politician becomes an influential world leader, Norman's life dramatically changes for better and worse.
BOYS is a story about two best friends on the first day of summer. Set in 1999, Brian sleeps over at Jake's house as they have done countless times before. This night, however, the two encounter new sides of themselves. Overwhelmed by the discovery, Brian decides to walk back home as he is facing a whole new path in his life. It is a story about desire, adolescence, and the realization of being different.