准备迎接新生命的孕妇莎拉(瑞秋妮可丝 饰),遇上一场无情的车祸,不仅失去挚爱的老公,车祸也夺走了她的听觉。绝望之际,为了肚裡小孩,她选择重新振作、独自回到郊区的宁静小屋生活,就在日子渐渐恢复平静时,意想不到的厄运却突然在圣诞夜来袭!一名不速之客(萝拉贺林 饰)强行闯入,并趁着莎拉来不及防备时,将她迷昏。但诡异的是,这名抢匪的目标不是任何财物,而是莎拉肚裡的婴儿!这一个漫长的夜晚,一宗骇人的劫孕事件,一个没有出路的密室……孤立无援的莎拉要如何逃出这个人间炼狱?
贝特朗·波尼洛取名于海明威名著的新片《流动的盛宴》(Paris est une fête)正在巴黎新桥一端废弃十年之久的商场Samaritaine内部取景拍摄,电影讲述了一群年轻的反抗分子白天在巴黎各大标志性地点放置炸弹,夜晚躲藏于百货商场寻求庇护的故事,导演把自己的这第七部长片形容成是“静止的西部片”。
The film starts with a masked killer entering an apartment and murdering a young couple, Krish and Shruti one cold, rainy night in Coimbatore. Five years later, Deepak, the retired police inspector who lost his leg while investigating the case, receives a call from a friend. The friend's son is adamant on becoming a police officer. So, the friend sends his son to Deepak so Deepak can brainwash him into not joining the force since his parents feels it is too dangerous. When the son arrives, he asks Deepak to tell him how he became crippled. Deepak begins to narrate his story of the final case that robbed him of the job he loved.