2016 恐怖片 科幻

  Specialists gather in a top-secret facility to investigate a series of strange deaths on beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. One of the team's scientists (Nana Gouvea) examines video evidence to uncover a possible parasitic explanation for the fatalities. But when a determined detective (Tom Sizemore) sends her the crazed writings of a mysterious homeless man (Jonny Beauchamp), the scientist slowly learns that the actual threat may be more dangerous -- and far older -- than anyone ever imagined. Can she convince her colleagues (led by Eric Roberts) of the true danger before an ancient force rises from the sea to bring madness and death to all of humanity?

2016 恐怖片 动作

  2599年,人类酝酿了五百年之久的火星移民计划终于要迈出重要一步了。在此之前,科学家通过向火星投放藻类以及蟑螂以改善火星的生存环境。而今,为了避免死刑的惩罚,小町小吉(伊藤英明 饰)和青梅竹马秋田奈奈绪(武井咲 饰)不得不答应本多博士(小栗旬 饰)的要求,与武藤仁(山下智久 饰)、蛭间一郎(山田孝之 饰)、森木明日香(菊地凛子 饰)、堂岛启介(加藤雅也 饰)等有着不同身份和背景的人们踏入前往火星的飞船。抵达目的地后,他们惊讶地发现蟑螂早已进化成无比健硕高大的生物,并且迅速向他们发起了进攻。
