2010 剧情片 剧情

  本片根据Ken Bruen同名小说改编,由威廉姆•莫纳汉亲自改编剧本。
  米切尔(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)以前是个混迹在街头的痞子,蹲了几年牢被释放后决定重新做人,但却一直找不到工作。以前的那些朋友给他提供了一个替给放高利贷的金主收钱的工作,无可奈何的他只能接受。但不久后,他被一个不愿意抛头露面的女明星艾思林(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley)雇佣。艾思林不堪小报记者和狗仔队的困扰,雇佣了米切尔来给自己“清除麻烦”。当艾思林渐渐了解切米尔的为人,两人坠入了爱河。就在米切尔憧憬未来的时候,他的过去找上了门来。街头的那些违法犯罪的事情一直跟随着他。不幸的是,米切尔发现自己又莫名其妙地卷入了黑帮的矛盾中,这些矛盾直接威胁着他现在的生活,他能安然度过这些烦恼的事情并和艾思林生活在一起么?

2010 剧情片 犯罪
A drama centered on a man dealing with the aftereffects of being in a coma caused by a car accident. Where the Road Meets the Sun is the powerful and moving story of four disparate men whose lives briefly intersect in a rundown Hollywood Hotel. After waking from a four-year coma, Takashi, a Japanese hit man, struggles with mysterious and traumatic memories. He strikes an unusual friendship with Blake (Eric Mabius), the hotel manager. Meanwhile Julio, an illegal immigrant, befriends Guy, a young Brit living off of his father's money. What follows are the wild and gut-wrenching adventures of four men trying to survive the most difficult time of their lives.