2018 综艺 纪录

  The natural world is full of marvels: from the highest mountains to the deepest lakes on earth. In this 6 x 1 hour series we take a look at the most iconic natural wonders on the planet. The world's greatest mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, volcanoes, caves, waterfalls and more...From Africa's great Savannah Lands to the active volcano on Tanna; from Mt Everest to the Great Barrier Reef; from Croatia's lush forests and jaw-dropping waterfalls to America's iconic Grand Canyon, this series is set to inspire nature lovers the world over.

2018 综艺 真人


2018 综艺 真人

  生活中許多瑣碎事看似平常不過,不少人卻未必知道一直抱着錯誤認知,小則失禮街坊,大則影響健康!醒目都市人陸浩明、黃美棋、余德丞和李旻芳,逐一拆解日常生活中的錯誤,讓大家活得精明,提升效率! 日用品的用法各師各法,錯誤使用可能事倍功半。識食之人不單要懂得欣賞味道,飲食禮儀同樣講究。生活習慣隱藏不少謬誤,相關專家解釋各種「不能錯的秘密」。主持們還走訪不同地方場合,實地指正生活各種錯誤。

2018 综艺 纪录

  有人或覺得健康食物並不好吃,但其實只要巧花心思,食得健康之餘亦可食得滋味!游生為此特意誠邀「星級」大廚陳煒,採用每集的主題食材烹調簡易菜式。此外,他亦會於「游生私房菜」請來big big channel飲食專區的一眾廚藝達人,分享有「營」美食。

2018 综艺 纪录

  What makes a city great? The location? The architecture? The ambience? In this 6 x 50 min series, we circle the globe on a quest to discover the beating heart - and seething underbelly - of the world's most extraordinary cities. Join us as we venture through the grandest old capitals and most modern metropolises on the planet. It's Venice and New York, Hollywood and Bollywood, Cairo, Jaipur, Jerusalem, Rio and more.
