Pat Tillman gave up his professional football career to join the Army Rangers in 2002—and became an instant symbol of patriotic fervor and unflinching duty. But the truth about Pat Tillman is far more complex, and ultimately more heroic, than the caricature created by the media. And when the government tried to turn his death into war propaganda, they took on the wrong family. From her home in the Santa Cruz mountains, Pat’s mother, Dannie Tillman, led the family’s crusade to reveal the truth beneath the mythology of their son’s life and death.
Featuring candid and revelatory interviews with Pat's fellow soldiers as well as his family, Amir Bar-Lev’s emotional and insightful film not only shines a light on the shady aftermath of Pat’s death and calls to task the entire chain of command but also examines themes as timeless as the notion of heroism itself.
与妻儿住在纽约的法国移民泰瑞·库塔(泰瑞·库塔 Thierry Guetta 饰),经营着一家古着店。他有一个奇怪而疯狂的爱好,就是拿着摄像机到处随意拍摄。他的表弟是一名涂鸦艺术家,一次跟拍期间,泰瑞深深地被街头艺术所吸引,他开始走访各地的街头艺术家,并拍摄他们在深夜涂鸦的过程,但这其中却有一位大人物总是苦寻不得,那就是英国最著名也最神秘的涂鸦大师——班克斯(班克斯 Banksy 饰)。然而一个偶然的机会,泰瑞得知班克斯将要到美国举办画展,他便借此机会担当其在美国的向导,并在一次一次的考验中渐渐获得了班克斯的信任,在此过程中,班克斯似乎为他打开了一扇充满可能性的奇幻的涂鸦之门,泰瑞甚至荒废了正常工作而专心投入到涂鸦艺术中,他的整个人生轨迹也跟着发生了转折……
19个赛季,137名选手,这个收视长红的老牌真人节目已经伴随我们九年半。此番节目方召集20名玩得最精彩最富话题性的明星选手,在萨摩亚展开一场英雄对阵恶棍的终极较量。这些第二次甚至第三次参赛的选手究竟会选择报复还是救赎,而在这场正邪较量中笑到最后的究竟会是勇气荣誉还是智谋诈欺。敬请一起关注 Survivor:Heroes vs Villains !
Visible from space, Africa's Great Rift Valley runs three thousand miles from the Red Sea to the mouth of the Zambezi. It's a diverse terrain of erupting volcanoes, forest-clad mountains, spectacular valleys, rolling grasslands, huge lakes and mighty rivers, and is home to crocodiles, hippos, lions, elephants, flocks of flamingos and a diversity of indigenous peoples.
Using state-of-the-art high definition filming techniques, this series investigates the geological forces which shaped East Africa's Great Rift, and which make it one of the world's most wildlife-rich landscapes.
Part 1: Fire
The valley is the product of deep-seated geological forces which have spewed out a line of cloud-wreathed volcanoes stretching from Ethiopia to Tanzania. Their peaks provide a refuge for East Africa's most extraordinary wildlife, including newly discovered and previously unfilmed species which have evolved surprising survival strategies to cope with their challenging mountain environment.
Part 2: Water
The Great Rift Valley channels a huge diversity of waterways - rivers, lakes, waterfalls, caustic springs and coral seas - spanning from Egypt to Mozambique. Some lake and ocean deeps harbour previously unseen life-forms, while caustic waters challenge life to the extreme. But where volcanic minerals enrich the Great Rift's waterways, they provide the most spectacular concentrations of birds, mammals and fish in all Africa.
Part 3: Grass
The Great Rift Valley provides the stage for an epic battle between trees and grass - its course influenced by volcanic eruptions, landscape and rainfall. On its outcome rests the fate of Africa's great game herds. In the Rift's savannas, grazers and their predators struggle to outwit each other, forcing one group of primates to develop a social system that paved the way for the evolution of mankind.
《空中浩劫》(Air Crash Investigation)是一个由加拿大的Cineflix公司所制作的纪录片节目。此节目主要介绍1970年代黑盒子发明之后所发生的近代重大航空事故。在第三季时,有三集穿插铁道事故及航海事故。
此节目在不同频道播出有不同的英文名称,于加拿大的Discovery频道播出时称为“Mayday”,在美国播出时称为“Air Emergency”,而在英国、法国和其他国家播出时称为“Air Crash Investigation”。
由加拿大山地自行车摄影师Derek Frankowski和电影人Ryan Gibb联手执导拍摄的纪录片《山地自行车之旅》,讲述着关于山地自行车及其文化的精彩故事,将为您奉上一部令人叹为观止的视觉饕餮盛宴。
Derek Frankowski与Ryan Gibb耗时三年时间,行走在壮阔的山间原野,利用春夏秋冬的XC路线越野骑行、稻田里BMX骑行、公路之旅等极为震撼的视觉之旅,展现着在自然环境中骑行与众不同的强大吸引力。本片使用4K超高画质摄像机进行拍摄,记录了山地车从创建到消逝的全过程,用充满张力的镜头捕捉着山地自行车独特魅力。众多世界顶级自行车运动选手也参与了本片的拍摄。
Running Man是韩国SBS电视台周末娱乐节目《星期天真好》新的版块,是韩国著名主持人刘在石自“家族诞生”第一季结束后时隔五个月接手的SBS新艺能节目,作为刘在石的SBS艺能节目回归之作,running man致力于打造一个不同于过去real variety的新型态娱乐节目。可以说是SBS赌上自尊心的新艺能节目。2010年7月11日起作为‘星期日真好-1部’播放。 节目通过组队游戏获取金币或running ball 最后决定胜者,输的一队将接受惩罚。节目由刘在石,池石镇,HAHA,金钟国,Gary姜熙健,宋智孝,李光洙等搞笑性、艺能性极高的艺人主持。
Feuchter November-Nebel über dem Erdinger Moos. Flughafen München, 5.00 Uhr morgens. Für die -noch müden- Passagiere des Condor-Fluges nach La Palma der Beginn eines herrlichen Urlaubstages; für die ausgeschlafene Crew um Kapitän Thomas Lindner beginnt der Arbeitstag mit der Checklisten-Routine vor dem Start: Startbahn, Windrichtung, Sichtverhältnisse, Flugroute, Kerosin-Menge – alles wird in diesem Vor-Start-Check besprochen. Um dieses Fach-Englisch zu verstehen, muss man kein Pilot sein – die zuschaltbaren Untertitel bieten die deutschen Bezeichnungen zu den englischen Begriffen.
2007年,美国内华达州。24岁的年轻摄影师雅尼夫·舒尔曼(雅尼夫·舒尔曼 Yaniv Schulman饰)收到了一幅根据他摄影作品绘制而成的画作。欣喜之余,他惊讶地发现这幅画作居然出自一名八岁的小女孩麦乐迪·罗雪尔(麦乐迪·罗雪尔 Melody C. Roscher饰)之手。雅尼夫立刻在Facebook上与这位才华洋溢的小女孩结成了好朋友。通过麦乐迪,雅尼夫开始了解她的家庭,更与她的姐姐梅根·法契欧(梅根·法契欧 Megan Faccio饰)展开了一段浪漫的异地恋。雅尼夫的哥哥艾瑞儿·舒勒曼(艾瑞儿·舒勒曼 Ariel Schulman饰)决定与他的好友亨利·乔斯特(亨利·乔斯特 Henry Joost饰)将这段恋情经历拍成纪录片。然而一连串隐藏在网络背后令人毛骨悚然的谎言,渐渐浮出水面,令人不寒而栗。
From the creators of "Dreams of the Coral Sea" in 1999. Stunning film, which opens the depths of life and death of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia Ningaluu Reef and the Coral Reef Papua New Guinea. The award-winning, the famous filmmaker David Hannan worked for 7 years to create this magical video evidence of the extraordinary underwater world. Music composer Tania Rose. You will see thousands of marine species coral reef in the movement.
After many years dedicated to filming and editing in glorious High Definition, David Hannan's new underwater masterpiece is coming out now.
Over 84 extraordinary minutes, Coral Sea Dreaming – Awaken enters into the very heart of life – and death – on a coral reef. It is a story that spans 500 million years and stars some of the most exotic and wondrous marine creatures on earth. Coral is the planets greatest natural architect, and coral reefs boast the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem.
Emmy Award-winning cinematographer David Hannan has filmed for 7 years to create this magnificent testimony to our extraordinary undersea world, set to an original score by Tania Rose. We meet thousands of reef inhabitants, from ancient turtles to feeding sharks, adorable pygmy seahorses and savage sea slugs, witness a manta ray ballet and courting octopus. Specialized state-of-the-art High Definition technology captures these lives with unprecedented intimacy, illustrating elaborate courtship displays, mating rituals, feeding frenzies, intense night-time predation, cannibalism and chemical warfare.
David Hannan is renowned not only for his filmmaking, but also the conservation that is activated by his films. This is the driving force behind his work.
Filled with startling HD scenes of exotic sea creatures, this is David Hannan's latest underwater masterpiece, a 'state of the art virtual experience' and window onto another world.
Many of the sequences have never been filmed before. Some may never be filmed again. Corals have survived 5 mass extinctions. But can they survive us?
Filmed over 2000 dives on three great coral reef ecosystems; The Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo Reef, and Papua New Guinea, Coral Sea Dreaming - Awaken is a celebration of reefs now under threat of climate change and ocean acidification. There is much to be done to safe-guard these precious ecosystems for future generations. And very little time to do it.
第1集 太阳帝国
第 2集 从混沌到秩序
第3集 蔚蓝色的大气层
第4集 生与死
第5集 未知世界
Professor Brian Cox visits some of the most stunning locations on earth to describe how the laws of nature have carved natural wonders across the solar system.
In this first episode Brian explores the powerhouse of them all, the sun. In India he witnesses a total solar eclipse - when the link to the light and heat that sustains us is cut off for a few precious minutes.
But heat and light are not the only power of the sun over the solar system. In Norway, Brian watches the battle between the sun's wind and earth, as the night sky glows with the northern lights.
Beyond earth, the solar wind continues, creating dazzling aurora on other planets. Brian makes contact with Voyager, a probe that has been travelling since its launch 30 years ago. Now 14 billion kilometres away, Voyager has just detected the solar wind is beginning to peter out. But even here we haven't reached the end of the sun's rule.
Brian explains how its greatest power, gravity, reaches out for hundreds of billions of kilometres, where the lightest gravitational touch encircles our solar system in a mysterious cloud of comets.
1 Empire of the Sun
2 Order out of Chaos
3 The Thin Blue Line
4 Dead or Alive
5 Aliens
Prairie dogs are America's answer to the meerkat - small, sociable and exceptionally cute. This offbeat film narrated by Rob Brydon takes us to the Wild West where prairie dogs live in huge colonies known as 'towns'. Like meerkats, they are comical to watch, but there is a whole lot more to prairie dogs than just being cute - they can talk.
For 30 years Professor Con Slobodchikoff has been recording their calls in response to predators like coyotes, hawks and badgers. He believes he has discovered a language second only to humans in its complexity. It's a bold claim but is he right? Con has devised a series of cunning field experiments to help prove his point.
天坛,始建于明永乐十八年(1420年),最初实行天地合祀,叫做天地坛。嘉靖九年(1530年)实行四郊分祀制度后, 在北郊觅地另建地坛,原天地坛则专事祭天、祈谷和祈雨,并改名为天坛。清代基本沿袭明制,在乾隆年间曾进行过大规模的改扩建。目前的主体建筑除祈年门和皇干殿是明代建筑外,其余都是清代建造的。
《荒野求生秘技》(Man vs. Wild)又称《荒野求生》,是美国探索频道制作的一档写实电视节目,由英国冒险家贝尔·格里尔斯主持,每集他会走到沙漠、沼泽、森林、峡谷等危险的野外境地,在极为恶劣的环境下,为脱离险境,设法寻找回到文明社会的路径。
Through the power of IMAX 3D, experience a wondrous adventure from the dinosaur age. Join Julie, an imaginative young woman, in a unique voyage through time and space. Explore an amazing underwater universe inhabited by larger-than-life creatures which were ruling the seas before dinosaurs conquered the earth. See science come alive in an entertaining manner and get ready for a face-to-face encounter with the T-Rex of the seas!
Auction Hunters, Allen Haff and Ton Jones, travel America bidding on unclaimed storage units they think will contain the most hidden treasure - worth big cash - the better the history the higher the price.